As the summer months are approaching and schedules and routines of the school year are being disrupted, we like to be as prepared as possible in the case of an emergency. Many students that were receiving support services in school suddenly feel alone and isolated once summer hits, and depression rates and suicide rates tend to go up. With that being said, we wanted to take a moment to make sure you have the resources for help over the summer (and anytime) if you, your child, or your teen is in need of emergency mental health support services.
Click here for a full, comprehensive list provided by UT Southwestern of mobile crisis numbers and emergency support crisis lines that can be accessed 24/7. We are also big fans of the crisis text line for teens (more info here). The Crisis Text Line provides 24 hour text support for teens and will signal for help and emergency services if the teen discloses any suicidal thoughts or plans to hurt him or herself. Teens can get help by texting the word START to 741-741.
Short term therapy over the summer months can also address concerns related to anxiety, depression, disruptive behaviors, bullying, and low self-worth and can help get your child back on track for school to resume in the fall. Contact HeadFirst Counseling at (469) 665-9416 to begin therapy services and gain support for your child so that he or she can start the next school year at full potential.